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Coconut Sago Pudding with Strawberry Coulis

Coconut Sago Pudding with Strawberry Coulis

Serves 4

  • 200g small sago seed
  • 1 punet strawberries
  • 185g caster sugar
  • 430ml coconut cream
  • 1 vanilla bean
  • pinch of sea salt
  1. Bring a large pot of water to a rolling boil. Stir in the sago and keep at a constant boil, stirring occasionally for about 12 minutes, until there is only a tiny speck of white left in the middle of each sago seed.
  2. Strain into a fine colander and rinse thoroughly with cold water to remove excess starch. Set aside to drain well.
  3. Make a simple strawberry coulis by cutting up the strawberries (leave a few for serving) and puree in a blender. In a pan, add strawberries and 50g of sugar and heat to dissolve. Strain and set aside.
  4. Bring 400g of coconut cream to a simmer with the remaining sugar. Split the vanilla bean and scrape the seeds and add to the coconut cream, bean and all. Simmer for a further 2 minutes. Let cool and discard the vanilla bean.
  5. Mix the cooked sago with the coconut cream.
  6. Transfer to a serving bowl and spoon the remaining coconut cream on top. Drizzle the coulis across the top.
  7. Finish with leftover strawberries.